Building with transparency

We have decided to keep our product feature development visible to everyone. If you have a feature request, drop us a line.

November 30 - 2024

November updates

November updates

October 31 - 2024

October updates

October updates

September 30 - 2024

September updates

September updates

August 2 - 2024

New support channel available: Web

Web support site We recently released our companion web support site in addition to our in-game SDK. It is fully customizable to match your own look.One thing which we haven’t talked about much yet is our AI powered assistant which is also available on the web support site.

We map the intent of the player and give the best possible self-help, which can range from giving a short summary of what the player is looking for to asking more questions from the player before either automatically resolving the issue or directing the player to a support agent.

We’ll cover our AI assistant in more detail in a future update.We are also building an embeddable web self-help widget which we’ll tell more about soon!

New support channel available: WebNew support channel available: Web

June 28 - 2024

New troubleshooting flow, SDK updates

Support Application & SDK

The end of June was likely the busiest we have ever been. We have heavily focused on new improvements to our SDKs, making it possible for gaming companies to build better deflection flows directly from our Support Application. Now, we have a wider variety of Android devices supported.

Knowledge base & Collector

We recently added new capabilities, allowing the integration of a powerful Collector element into knowledge base articles. This enables gaming companies to collect information from players before any tickets are created.

New troubleshooting flow, SDK updates

June 14 - 2024

Troubleshooting & Collecting information

Support application


Players can get seamless help in-game with our interactive troubleshooter. Create automated flows that answer the most common inquiries, without ever creating a ticket. Players can rate their experience and we analyze each step that players make to provide meaningful insights and to iteratively improve deflection and player satisfaction even more. No need for guesswork.

Collector (formerly Forminator 3000™)

Create custom collectors to collect feedback, report bugs, gather information about a missing purchase before connecting the player with agent, and much more. You can create interactive experiences to the players. Give suggestions to users how they can solve their issue, only ask for the information that you actually need to solve the issue & automatically add tags and fields.

June 7 - 2024

True deflection

Over the past few months, we have been identifying the shortcomings of existing automation solutions and building our own approach to take automation to the next level. In today’s update, you can see a sneak peek of what we have been working on. With our troubleshooter, you can build automated flows to help players without ever having to create any tickets. Our automations are easier to maintain and more cost effective than traditional bots are.We have more cool automation features to highlight in future updates!

True deflectionTrue deflection

May 31 - 2024

Discord Bot, validation & templates

Support app

Added validations to field, tag and message template editors for better user experience. We also now persist information about deleted tags and fields so you can still see how they were used in old conversations.


Our product now includes a Discord bot which your community can ask questions from and the bot will answer referencing your game’s knowledge base.

Discord Bot, validation & templates

May 24 - 2024

Field improvements, enhanced AI features for support

Support application

Last week we released an editor for configuring fields in the settings. In the editor, you can mark fields as editable or metadata. This week we added support for agents to set editable fields in conversations. Every field type (e.g. date or dropdown) has its own type of editor for ease of use.

We also added a “Show always” option for to the field editor. By default fields are only shown once they have been set, but now you can choose if you want to always display some specific fields, e.g. to remind agents that they should be set.

Last week we introduced our AI assistant to allow asking questions about your game’s knowledge base and get instant answers. We have now extended this so you can get a suggested resolution from our assistant with a single click from player’s message.

May 17 - 2024

Agent Assistant, Custom Fields, Message templates

Support app

New Assistant - Released our improved and revamped assistant. You can now ask our assistant about your game and get instant answers. Your agents can get answers to players’ questions in matter of seconds without leaving the conversation.

Message template tags - Support automatically adding tags to conversations when using message templates.

Configuring fields - Support configuring fields in the settings. Fields can be added for a specific game or all the games. Currently the following field types are supported:

  1. Text

  2. Multiline text

  3. Dropdown

  4. Multi dropdown

  5. Date

  6. Yes/No


Added smart search for knowledge base articles. The search analyzes the player’s intent and shows the best results based on that, with support for multiple languages.

May 10 - 2024

LLM Embeddings for Knowledge Base, Tags in conversations, Infra updates

Knowledge base

  1. Automatically generate embeddings from all articles and localizations with LLM for new AI-enabled features. We have a lot of cool features planned that use these, that we’ll be showing off in near future.


  1. Setup new LLM models hosted in our AWS infrastructure for specialized tasks.


  1. Send statistics when players view articles or start conversations with support.

Support application

  1. Support adding and removing tags in conversations.

May 3 - 2024

Message templates, New AI Search and infrastructure optimizations

Support Application

Message templates

Support adding, editing and deleting message templates in the game’s settings page. Message templates can be added for all the games or a specific game and can be used for both player facing messages and private notes. Support agents can select message templates when talking with the players and modify the message before sending it.

AI search for conversations

You can now simply write what conversations you’re looking for, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Infrastructure and performance optimizations

We’ve improved the delivery time of time critical events, now our support app gets realtime updates even faster than before. We’ve also spent time hardening our infrastructure and improved scalability.

Message templates, New AI Search and infrastructure optimizations

April 26 - 2024

Tags, translation editor and conversation filtering

Support app

Tag management:

Add tag management view to settings page where you can add, edit and delete tags. Tags can be added for all games or a specific game.

Tags can also be configured to be shown based on different conditions. For example, you can choose to only show bug related tags for related conversations so that agents can more accurately and efficiently pick the correct tags.

On top of manual tagging, we will also support automatic tagging in very near future!

Translation editor

Added a translation editor to allow custom tailored texts for each languages for categories, automated messages, etc. The translations for languages other than English are optional - if you wish the messages to be auto-translated by our AI.

Conversation filtering

Added filter conversations bar to conversation lists. You can filter conversations by assignee, category, CSAT scores, and when the ticket was created. We will add more filters in near future!

Knowledge base

  1. Add statistics for the whole game with language breakdowns

  2. Support editing articles as drafts and publishing them once they are ready to go live

April 19 - 2024

Knowledge base statistics and first conversation automations


  1. Allow configuring the entry message players see when they start a new conversation

  2. Send automatic reminders to players if waiting for their reply. The reminder messages and time after which players are reminded are configurable for each game.

  3. Automatically close conversations with a message after period of time. The message and time is configurable for each game.

Knowledge base

The following statistics are now available in article and category views:


  2. Unique views

  3. How many players started conversations

  4. Total conversations started

  5. Deflect rate

Users can also see language specific breakdowns and compare deflect rate to past periods.

We have also added more details about when articles have been modified and published to make it easier to see if something is out of date.

April 12 - 2024

My conversations view, Game settings, Knowledge base editor

Support app

  1. My conversations view to only show your own conversations

  2. Added game settings page to support app

Knowledge base

  1. Improved knowledge base editor to support more rich elements

  2. Show information such as which languages are in use and last updated in the article lists.

April 5 - 2024

Metadata, Private notes and Standalone Application

Recovering from the GDC and a bit longer Easter holidays, we're back on track. Besides having good meetings and making new acquaintances lately, our products are also progressing forward.


  1. Send information about player’s device that can be viewed in conversation

  2. Allow games to send custom metadata to support app

Support Application

  1. Our support application can now be run as an standalone application (Mac, Windows).

  2. It's now possible to leave private notes within conversations

Knowledge Base

  1. Support automatically translating an existing knowledge base article localization based on updated main language.

Metadata, Private notes and Standalone Application

March 22 - 2024

Week behind at the GDC

This week, we've been mingling around the GDC, making new connections, listening to experts, and enjoying good company during the side events.

Week behind at the GDC

March 15 - 2024

SDK Knowledge Base & Agent Assistant Sneak Peek

For the past week we've been busy polishing out our SDK and Support App, making it faster, look better and added small nice things like key shortcuts to increase efficiency.

We also had time to take some of our bigger features forward. This week we finally made the knowledge base articles available in the SDK Support Center, with full localisation support of course.

We've also been busy working on our Agent Assistant AI, which allows support agents to quickly ask for help when resolving players' tickets. We utilise all the information the game has entered in their knowledge base to give fast, accurate answers. No more jumping between different windows trying to find the answer to the player's issue. The Assistant AI is still work in progress, but we're seeing great results already, so we wanted to give a small sneak peek.

Next week we're going to be at the GDC, ready to show off our product!

SDK & Knowledge base

  1. The SDK has been translated to Spanish, French, German and Finnish.

  2. Published articles are now shown in the SDK Support Center with localisation support.

  3. Polished transitions for a smoother feel.

Support App

  1. Polished the UI/UX in many places.

  2. Improved the loading performance for faster navigation between pages.

  3. Added some keyboard shortcuts for increased efficiency.

  4. Agent Assistant AI in conversations for quick help. Still work-in-progress!

SDK Knowledge Base & Agent Assistant Sneak Peek

March 8 - 2024

Multilingual support & Automated Knowledge Base Localisation

It has been a super busy week wrapping these features up. We are really happy about the speed and the accuracy of real-time translation between player and support.

Knowledge base articles can now be automatically translated to several different languages (default option is the languages that game supports).

We have been busy testing also multilingual real-time translation between support and the player. The speed and accuracy amazes us!

If you want to see this in action, book a demo session with us!

Auto translate conversations

  1. Player’s messages are translated to support agent’s language and vice-versa

  2. CSATs feedbacks are also translated

Knowledge base

  1. Creating and editing articles

  2. Automatically translate articles to other languages

  3. Versioning articles

Multilingual support & Automated Knowledge Base Localisation

March 1 - 2024

Summarizing and related conversations

Support App

  1. Automatically summarize conversations with AI.

  2. Automatically determine if the player's issue was resolved with AI.

  3. Show related conversations for player with a short summary of the issue.

Knowledge Base

  1. Support editing categories in Knowledge Base.

  2. Support adding new articles to games.

  3. Continued work on article editor and localizations.

Summarizing and related conversationsSummarizing and related conversations

February 23 - 2024

Access Control, Knowledge Base Customization and API Security Enhancements

Support App

  1. Implemented roles and access control for companies and users. Company admins can decide what level of access to give to the users they create.

Knowledge Base

  1. Support creating new categories. Categories are company-wide and can be added to any game within the company.

  2. Implemented adding and sorting categories in a game’s knowledge base.

  3. Started work on article editing & localizations.


  1. Updated all existing API endpoints to authorize requests based on the roles.

February 15 - 2024

iOS SDK Improvements and Agent Statistics


  1. Work on native iOS SDK framework. Games can open and close support center from their native iOS games and iOS simulator.

Support App

  1. Improvements to SSO authentication flow and implemented log out functionality.

  2. Agent profile with statistics such as daily, weekly and monthly average CSAT / total conversations, recent feedback and performance in different categories

  3. Started work on Knowledge Base management.

iOS SDK Improvements and Agent Statistics

February 8 - 2024

UX, iOS Integration, and CSAT Insights


  1. Continued the refactoring work from last week to pay off technical debt


  1. Improved the UX for starting a new conversation

  2. Started working on iOS demo game that we will integrate our SDK to.

Support App

  1. Support resolving conversations

  2. Show CSAT score in the conversation view

UX, iOS Integration, and CSAT Insights

January 31 - 2024

Foundational Improvements and Enhanced User Experience


  1. Paid off technical debt that has been accrued in the past months of rapid development.

Support App

  1. Keep track of the last read messages and automatically scroll into the last seen message

  2. Generic error handling for dealing with inline & whole page errors

Foundational Improvements and Enhanced User Experience

January 25 - 2024

Streamlined Communications and Conversations


  1. Allow players to start conversations with the support.

  2. Unified help center and talk with us allowing seamless navigation between knowledge base and ongoing discussions.

  3. Added conversation list to the Chat with us section

  4. Added the ability to send and receive new messages

Support App

  1. Support browsing all past conversations, or by game

  2. Receiving and replying to player messages

  3. See conversation events such as when the conversation was assigned or transferred and to whom

  4. Indicate when player is typing or if you have unread messages

Streamlined Communications and Conversations

January 18 - 2024

SDK and Support App Updates


  1. New help center page with customizable theme

  2. Made opening support view blazing fast ⚡

Support App

  1. Added support for multiple games

  2. Realtime updates of conversations

  3. Assigning agents to conversations

  4. See your assigned conversations with a browser-like tab navigation